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The Board Boys Podcast

Jul 26, 2022

Although we've come to the end of the road - still I can't let go.
It's unnatural - you belong to me, I belong to you. Although we've come to the end of the road - still I can't let go. It's unnatural - you belong to me, I belong to you.

Your favorite boys are back as Board Boy Josh and Board Boy Ben officially ride off...

Jul 8, 2022

Your favorite boys are back to tackle another recent Kickstarter megahit from Mindclash Games, Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles - Episode 1 & 2. Also this episode: Adele, Ashanti, Beck, Beyoncé, Björk, Bono, Che, Ciara, Coolio, Drake, Eminem, Fabio, Fergie, Flea, Kesha, Lorde, Madonna, Morrissey, Nas, Nelly, Oprah,...