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The Board Boys Podcast

Aug 30, 2019

What do you get when you mix animal mating, a feeding mechanism, pale ones and a million Agricola references? Obviously you get Caverna: The Cave Farmers by Uwe Rosenburg. This week your favorite boys (minus Ben), and guest Cody Lenhart, break down Uwe's highest rated game on the BGG Top 100 list. Also this episode: Rob...

Aug 16, 2019

Welp, it finally happened. It only took four seasons, but we're finally doing a feature episode on a game NOT currently on the BGG Top 100. We generally take this qualifier seriously, but Black Angel from Pearl Games had our full attention at Gen Con. It may currently be 4,269, but it's number one in our hearts. Also...

Aug 10, 2019

Still recovering from Gen Con 2019? Don't worry we are too. This year Rob, Campbell and Josh made the annual trek to Indianapolis, Indiana for the best four days in gaming. Hanging alongside 70k attendees, the boys bought, played and learned about so many great games hitting the market later this year. In this BONUS...

Aug 2, 2019

Josh was on vacation this week at San Diego Comic Con and specifically requested we play a game he'd hate. So, this week we ventured overseas to visit the Grand Austria Hotel. Rob, Campbell and Ben pushed the game to its limits in one of the closest finishes we've ever recorded! Also this episode: Rob breaks down some...